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Congratulations, 2023 Lamp of Learning Honorees!

The 国产探花is proud to announce our 2023 Lamp of Learning Honorees! Once each year, our District recognizes the unique, exemplary contributions of special members of the #国产探花Family by honoring them with the Lamp of Learning Award. This award allows us the opportunity to thank staff and community and members for supporting the education of our students. It is also the highest recognition given in the District. This year, we celebrate 19 extraordinary people who represent the Vision, Mission and Values of the 国产探花.

Congratulations to:

Allison Chavez, Lakeview Elementary School;
Heather Clemans-Hartley, Lakeview Elementary School;
Krystal Crown, Tumbleweed Elementary School;
Vickie Dean, Washington Elementary School;
Darcy Estrada, Royal Palm Middle School;
Ashanti Givens, Manzanita Elementary School;
Liberty Kester, Sweetwater School;
Marlee Korishev, Orangewood School;
Veronica Moreno, Cholla Middle School;
Megan Nash, Desert View Elementary School;
Emily Paterson, Orangewood School;
Ryan Reid, Academic Services;
Garett Saeva, Shaw Butte Elementary School;
Michael Scott, Alta Vista Elementary School;
Erika Seeley, Tumbleweed Elementary School;
Holly Sproul, Abraham Lincoln Traditional School;
Caroline Tobin, Shaw Butte Elementary School;
Jeni Vargas, Sunnyslope School; and
Dr. Steven West, Mountain View School.

We thank and appreciate each honoree for their individual contributions to the 国产探花and look forward to celebrating them later this spring!

2023 Lamp of Learning Honorees