About Ocotillo Elementary

  • Ocotillo Elementary School is an A+ School of Excellence! 

    We are committed to achieving excellence for every child, every day, every opportunity. Our curriculum is fully aligned with State Standards. Ocotillo provides art, music and PE for all grade levels.
    Ocotillo Elementary provides differentiated learning opportunities for all students to achieve academic success. Extended day care and after-school programs are available. We believe the school should provide a positive, productive and safe environment for all students through the implementation of clear, fair and consistent behavioral expectations.

    Our Mission

    The mission of Ocotillo Elementary School is to foster an enriching environment that produces lifelong learners with the necessary academic and social skills to be successful citizens.

    Our Vision

    The vision of Ocotillo Elementary School is to support learning for all. Students will demonstrate high academic achievement in a climate in which they are challenged by rigorous curriculum, aligned to the Arizona State Standards. Students will develop socially and emotionally as they strive for excellence, are held accountable for their actions and demonstrate respect for themselves and others.

  • two students wear A+ shirts two students read together A group of students smiles