Search to Serve

  • SEARCh (Seeking Educationally At Risk Children) to Serve conducts Child Find activities within the 国产探花. The purpose of Child Find is to locate and evaluate children aged two years and nine months to five years old who are suspected of having a disability. If the disability impacts their learning or educational performance, special education and/or related services may be recommended.

    The 国产探花offers a Special Needs Preschool Program designed for children identified through the Child Find Process. This program is:

    • a free program intended for children two years and nine months old to five years old with an identified disability,
    • for children who live within the 国产探花boundaries,
    • staffed with a 国产探花Early Childhood Special Education teacher and one or more teaching assistants,
    • designed with in-class therapies (speech, language, occupational and physical therapy) for two and a half hours a day, four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), and
    • a language rich, play-based program that provides developmentally appropriate instruction guided by Arizona State Early Learning Standards.




  • Search to Serve

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