Assistant Principals' Messages

  • Hello, Mustangs!

    My name is Addison Fimbrez and I am thrilled to be the new Assistant Principal for Manzanita Elementary. I look forward to working with students, staff, and families to have a positive school year!

    This is my 12th year at the Washington Elementary School District, where I have held many positions, including Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Instructional Coach. I grew up here in Phoenix and even attended school in 国产探花. I am so excited that my journey has led me to Manzanita! 

    I can't wait to meet the Manzanita students and community and work alongside each of you to foster lifelong learners. 

    Together we:



    Achieve Goals 

    Develop Character 




    Addison Fimbrez
    Assistant Principal, Manzanita Elementary