Information for Families

  • Our vision at Roadrunner is to “Rise Up, Reach Out, and Achieve More.” Through instruction on positive behavior and expectations, we encourage all students to “Rise Up” to reach their highest potential, “Reach Out” to others, and “Achieve More” through hard work and commitment. We believe in the importance of teaching children more than just academic skills; we teach children the importance of teamwork, leadership, kindness, problem solving, and resiliency, recognizing that these “soft skills” can contribute to a lifetime of success.

    Please also visit our School Information page for an overview of our policies and procedures.

    We recognize that, as parents, you are your child’s first and most important teachers. We value your input and involvement in your child’s education. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us and share your thoughts on how we can continue to make Roadrunner an exceptional school for your child. We look forward to your partnership as we help every student to Rise Up, Reach Out, and Achieve More.