Title I Compact

  • This compact pledges our school community to increase student reading and math skills.

    Parent/Guardian Pledge

    I want to see my child succeed, to encourage him/her, I will:

    • Help my son/daughter create a system to organize materials by class, to track assignments, and collect forms/information needing my attention.
    • Urge my son/daughter to ask for help from the teacher if he/she is having difficulty understanding instruction or assignments.
    • Require that my son/daughter completes projects and daily work.
    • Urge my son/daughter to read uninterrupted for 30 minutes a day, any type of material (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.).
    • Commit to attending at least one or more activities at the school, per semester.
    • Help my student connect his/her learning to high school, college, and career readiness.

    Student Pledge

    It is important to work to the best of my ability, so I will:

    • Be responsible for organizing materials by class, keeping track of assignments and giving my parent information sent home by the school.
    • Let my teacher and family know if I need help.
    • Read on my own every day for at least 30 minutes.
    • Work on projects and daily assignments in class when time is given, and at home.
    • Set goals for high school, college, and career readiness and monitor my own progress.

    Teacher’s Pledge

    Student achievement is our priority, so I will

    • Create a partnership with every family in my class.
    • Monitor student progress regularly and communicate concerns with students and parents.
    • Make sure all students get help as soon as needed.
    • Use effective teaching strategies to support all learners.
    • Make sure students understand the assignment and what they’ll learn from it, grade it promptly and re- teach as needed.
    • Support academic preparation for high school, college, and career readiness for all students.