Principal's Message

  • Dear Parents and Community Members:

    Welcome to Ironwood Elementary School, home of the Thunderbolts! As the new principal, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Stacey Sallee. I graduated from A.S.U. with a degree in Multicultural/Multilingual Education and G.C.U. with a Masters in Educational Leadership. This will be my nineteenth year in education. I spent 13 years as a classroom teacher in 国产探花, two years as an instructional coach, and the past three years as an assistant principal.

    I look forward to working with the Ironwood community and 国产探花to achieve excellence for every child, every day, at every opportunity. Together we can work to prepare all students to become responsible, successful contributors to our diverse society. If you have any questions or just want to introduce yourself, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Stacey Sallee